The purpose of Hydrogen Peroxide is to help the immune system to function properly. The white blood cells that fight infection, produce Hydrogen Peroxide. It is also important in the process of breaking down carbohydrates, fats, proteins, minerals, and vitamins in order to release the body’s energy. It helps regulate hormones and is necessary for the production of estrogen, progesterone, and thyroxin.
Mild antiseptic.
Gargling for sore throats.
Dental problems.
Bad Breath.
More Uses for Hydrogen Peroxide
Use 3% solution, except where 35% is highlighted.
Vegetable soak: Add 1/4 cup to a full sink of cold water. Soak
light-skinned (like lettuce) 20 minutes, thicker skinned (like cucum-
bers) 30 minutes. Drain, dry and refrigerate. Prolongs freshness. If
time is a problem, spray vegetables (and fruits) with a solution of 3%.
Let stand for a few minutes, rinse and dry.
Leftover tossed salad: Spray with a solution of 1/2 cup water
and 1 Tbsp. 3%. Drain, cover and refrigerate.
To freshen kitchen: Keep a spray bottle in the kitchen. Use it
to wipe off counter tops and appliances. It will disinfect and give the
kitchen a fresh smell. Works great in the refrigerator and kid's school
lunch boxes.
Marinade: Place meat, fish, or poultry in a casserole (avoid
using aluminum pans). Cover with hydrogen peroxide. Place loosely
covered in refrigerator for 1/2 hour. Rinse and cook.
In the dishwasher: Add 2 ozs to your regular washing formula.
Sprouting seeds: Add 1 oz. to a pint of water and soak the seeds
overnight. Add the same amount of hydrogen peroxide each time you
rinse the seeds.
House and garden plants: Put 1 oz. in 1 quart of water. Water
or mist plants with this solution.
Insecticide spray: Mix 8 ozs. white sugar, 4-8 ozs. hydrogen
peroxide in 1 gallon of water.
Humidifiers and steamers: Mix 1 pint to 1 gallon of water.
Laundry: Add 8 ozs. to your wash in place of bleaches.
Shower: Keep a spray bottle of hydrogen peroxide in the
shower. Spray your body after washing to replace the acid mantle of
your skin that soap removes.
Facial: Use on a cotton ball as a facial freshner after washing.
(Remember: do not use 35% grade!)
Rejuvenating detoxifying bath: Add 6 ozs. to 1/2 tub of water.
May increase hydrogen peroxide up to 2 cups per bath. Soak at least
1/2 hour.
Alternate bath: Add 1/2 cup 35% H 2
O2 , 1/2 cup sea salt, and
1/2 cup baking soda or epsom salts to bath water and soak.
Foot soak: Add 1-1/2 ozs. 35% H2 O2 to 1 gallon water and soak.
Athlete's foot: Soak feet nightly until condition is improved.
Mouthwash: Add a dash of liquid chlorophyll for flavoring if
Toothpaste: Use baking soda and add enough to make a paste.
Or just dip your brush in it and brush.
Douche or enema: Add 6 Tbls. to a quart of distilled water. 6
Tbls. is the maximum amount to use.
Pets: For small animals (dogs & cats) use 1 oz. to 1 qt. of water.
Agriculture: Use 8 ozs. 35% H 2
O2 per 1000 gallons of water.
If you do not have an injector, start out by using 1 tsp. 35% H2 O2 in
the drinking cup at the stanchion.
Drinking water of ailing cows: Use 1 pt., to 5 gallons of water.
To drench sick calves, put 1/3 pt. bottle and fill remainder with water.
Do this twice a day. For an adult cow, use the same procedure, but use
a quart.
Foliage feed crops: put 5 to 16 ozs. of 35% H2
O2 into 20 gallons
of water. This is sufficient for 1 acre. Spray on plants early in the
morning when the dew is still on them and the birds are singing.