ICPKP Stress and Pain Management Certificate
ICPKP Stress and Pain Management Certificate
Link to ICPKP® Stress and Pain Management Certification Program
This Certification program can be completed very early on your journey to becoming a practitioner and it’s the starting point for all our Diploma qualifications.
Just having the Certificate on the wall gives comfort and confidence to clients and serves as an easy opener for them to talk about the ‘real’ problem. If you are coming from TFH4 and FPK 2, completing this will leave just 3 units to complete to become a Practitioner level 1. For PKP Practitioners – level you can have this in just 3 days. You may also be able to teach the K-Power® versions of the three SPM one day workshops in your community which will reap positive rewards.
Certification in High Level Wellness & Vitality Therapy - FPK 1 Foundational Principles of Kinesiology™
Study the foundational principles of kinesiology and complete our entry-level qualification, the International Certification in High Level Wellness & Vitality Therapy.
Duration: 6 months
The 6 units of kinesiology material that form the foundational principles of the ICPKP courses including those that are also taught to the lay-public.
The ICPKP training starts with students learning by experiencing the techniques on themselves. They expand their awareness, learn to self-test, evaluate change as they carry out energiser and other foundational techniques of self care on themselves before touching another person. They also learn the art of comprehensive goal setting.
The next unit teaches the power of touch and the finesse required as a PKP practitioner. Now they revise skills learn as they work with each other and add more techniques. Each new unit adds to the skills, techniques and more complex understanding and balancing with 5 Element principles, colour, sound, meridian connections, acupressure points and more muscles to test and balance.
RBT 201, the clinical body touch and draping unit, develops confidence, professionalism and skill in using kinesiology techniques relating to body contact. You learn how to palpate, massage and how to drape a client to maintain modesty and warmth while working on an exposed area.
BKP 101 Energisers & Self-care. Foundational techniques like NE, NL, NV. - LDP
BKP 102 Professional touch, muscle testing, basic kinesiology procedures - LDP
BKP 103 Five Element yin, sound & colour balances - LDP
BKP 104 Meridians, organ systems, surrogates, 14 muscle Goal Balance - LDP
BKP 105 5-El 1 pt., AHP, Luo & Accumulation pt. balances, alarms, emotions - LDP
RBT 201 Clinical body contact, palpation, professional client draping- LDP
Bio Epigenetic Wellness Consultant (TM) - Link to Course